Pastor La'Davian and Lady Kendra Climons
Pastor La'Davian Climons is the founder and lead pastor of Lighthouse Church of Augusta. During a season of prayer and fasting he felt the Lord burden his heart for the city, and through the leading and help of the Holy Spirit planted a life-giving church in a city that is ripe for reformation.
Pastor La'Davian Climons has over a decade of experience preaching, teaching, and mentoring to God's people. Together Pastor La'Davian and Kendra's personal philosophy and driving passion is to be a guiding light leading all back to Christ. They believe that this will be achieved by leading and loving through the LIGHT of God. They aspire to guide the gifted, point the purposed, and lead all back to God. We do this by building community and showing the love of God in a fresh and real way. They have been married since 2021 and hope that their love for God and each other will be the light that leads you home.